by Marielle Pettersen

It's difficult to understand why people don't realize that pets are gifts to mankind-Linda Blair

Day care for your dog Do you feel guilty for leaving your dog at home all day? Dog walking businesses and day cares are an amazing option to make the best out of your dog’s day. I went along to work with a friend of mine in West-Yorkshire England, who ran a dog walking business. I immediately thought of my two dogs back in Norway, how they would have loved to come along on these walks. The days went by so quickly. We drove around from house to house and picked up dogs in my friends van. Then we drove up to the moors or into the woods, and let them all loose. As dogs are pack animals they would all stay gathered. They would also come back when called on. After the nice walk we would drive them back home again. As dog-walking businesses are quite common in the UK we would often meet other dog walkers, and the dogs would greet each other without a problem. The walks are so good for the dogs in different ways: 1. They get to socialize. Socialisation is positive for the dogs as it can reduce their stress levels. Socialized dogs are often happier and friendlier compared to less socialized dogs who have an increased risk of becoming shy, anxious and aggressive. 1. Exercise The dogs get brilliant exercise. As the dog walkers often take the dogs where they can run freely, they get plenty of exercise compared to walking on a lead. Also they get to play whit the other dogs which leads to even more activity and exercise. The playing is as well as socializing a stress relief for the dog. 1. Behavior When your dog has been out on a walk while you’re at work it will be more calm and its behavior will be better as it has used some of its saved up energy. It will also save you some time. If the dog has had a walk through the day it will only require a shorter walk in the evening compared to if it is inside by itself all day. However, dog walking might not be for all types of dogs. If your dog is aggressive towards other dogs or people, it may not be possible to hire a dog walker for him. Off-course the dog walking business will vary regarding where you live. Dog walkers in big cities may not have the same options to let the dogs run freely as dog walkers in the countryside. However if you have the opportunity and assets to hire a good dog walker, either in the city or the countryside you will come home to a much happier dog after work.  
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